14 April 2011

The Blue Star Sisters

Some records coming up that I bought on a recent trip to Singapore. The Blue Star Sisters - five Filipino sisters (?) who were popular in Hong Kong in the 60s. I am told this EP was recorded in Singapore, which is why I digitized it and gave it away - long story. But Not Goodbye is a Hong Kong original - thumbs up to shatinterry for posting it on YouTube (and the fascinating chat about 60s nightclubs and electric car racing!). No date on the record as usual, but it must be 1968 or 1969 as the original of As I Look came out in 1968. I am choosing As I Look as my favourite track, because I was once a big fan of The Rebel Rousers.


Alice said...

The Quiletoria sisters are Zarina, Salome, Sarah, Connie and Victoria. They have a Turkish mother and a Filipino father and there are 9 sisters in the family! From the Star, Aug 16, 1965

Alice said...

" The blue Star sisters started as amateurs then moved to the rank of professional after winning second place in Talent Quest '64" (Dec 15, 1965)

ronald minhinnett said...

I am an old friend of the 9 sisters and i also knew their parents. i am looking for julia
the eldest sister whom i lost track of in 1968. just love to hear from julia or anita.
will anyone who has info please email ronald
rfminhinnett@yahoo.ca. tks!

Anonymous said...

Most of the sisters now reside in Bangkok, Cora has a music school. They also own a lounge.

Anonymous said...

1965/66 Fire Cracker President Hotel wonderful memories by Cowboy, Terry (thought he could play the drums), Les (Who just drank). One or two soldiers having the pleasure of meeting their parents. Kutching a great gig!!